Sunday, April 24, 2011

Feliz Dia de Pascua

Or happy Easter to the lay person. It was such a gorgeious warm day. SO warm in fact that we played outside all day today and when putting Avalon pajamas she had a little sunburn on the back of her neck. This sorta thing is exactly what I am looking forward to for this summer! I just don't think I can handle anymore snow. The snow that fell on Friday was just depressing. Alas, there is precipitation in the forecast but hopefully it's just rain.

We only have a week and a half before we leave for Oregon. I am so excited to go on vacation but am a little stressed with all the laundry, packing and piling. I have lists going so I don't forget anything. Having never flown with a child, I don't know exactly how that is going to go. So we are checking one large bag so we don't have so much carryon baggage. Our flight to Oregon lands first at Denver, then Portland, and then Eugene with layovers of just an hour each. I hope that in Denver our gates our close. I've never been in the Denver airport so I don't know if we are looking at a crazy airport or not. Portland is super small and should be an issue at all.

And since our flight takes off at 6 am we have to be at the airport 4-430 meaning we have to get up an hour before that. Not sure how Avalon will do being up that early but we are hoping she will sleep in the car ride from Eugene to Lincoln City. Then the fun begins! I just hope that with all of our switches, our luggage is not lost.

It seems we are kind of moving in the middle of planting season. Typically right now, I replant the grass Murphy has killed over the winter, get the majority of my potted plants in and start thinking about planting the garden and usually have it all done by Mother's Day but we are in Oregon during that so I'm putting it off so we don't have to have somebody water for us and wthen we'll be that much later for everything.

I've been really successful with my weight loss efforts lately and am down a total of 39 pounds. Still I have this doubt that it was all an accident and come Monday morning I will have gained 5 pounds back(which I know isn't realistic) but still. It does really help that I am absolutely loving exercise. The more I lose the easier it is to do and being competitive(with myself) I am constantly pushing myself to see how much I can do. I also find it relaxing and sometimes is the only opportunity to have time to myself. Avalon is very pro-mommy right now. She wants to play with me and sit with me and help me all. the. time. I love that hse wants to be with me. But by about 8 at night I need some space and sometimes exercse is the only way. And now, there is wifi at Y(because my comment cards apparently pay off) I can watch Netflix on my iPod. I'm in the middle of Season 4 of 24. And since I'm such a fan of this show so far, i can completely lose track of time. (Whereas when I watched Glee, that did not happen. Don't get me wrong, I like Glee but I don't love it. I think its all the old choir history in me that loves that show. The plot is kinda weak in my opinion. ) This season of 24 is by far the weakest so I hope it picks up or I'm going to have to find a new show. Any suggestions?

Anyway, must get back to the listmaking...just remembered I need to go dig out Avalon's paperwork for getting on the plane. It's the little things that make me afraid we're going to forget something. Peace!

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